
ScreenPlayLab is more than 3,800 upbeat producers, actors, writers, directors, agents and executives helping each other in their careers at studios and networks.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Gabrielle's Birthday Party June 16th

ScreenPlayLab co-founder Gabrielle Pantera's birthday party is June 16th in Beverly Hills. Would love to see you there. RSVP at

No ScreenPlayLab Mixer Tonight...

For anyone who missed my earlier note, there's no ScreenPlayLab mixer tonight. Please RSVP for our party on the 16th instead.

Thank you ScreenPlayLab speaker Craig Mazin...

We had a fantastic time at ScreenPlayLab yesterday! Scary Movie 3 screenwriter Craig Mazin entertained us with how to not be the "crazy guy with a script".

Thank you ScreenPlayLab Workshop Participants...

Our workshop screenplay on Sunday was FULL ON, based on the true story of a Japanese-American girl who hit #1 in Japan as a pop star, in the style of ALMOST FAMOUS. One of our best readings ever.

Thank you screenwriter Anzu Lawson. Thank you to casting director Gabrielle Pantera. Kudos to the actors:

Jennifer Sims as Narrator
Leah Zhanginfo as Anzu
Anup Sugunan as Mick, Eddie, and many other roles
VyVy Nguyen as Sophia, Girl, Interpreter and Announcer
Heather Ignacio as Keiko, Rose, Marsha
Marcus Proctor as Herb, Jason, and many other roles

Thank You to You...

Thank you to our audence Sunday who gave great positive feedback in the reading workshop and had smart questions for Craig Mazin in the speaker Q&A. There are so many fantastic people in ScreenPlayLab, either fresh talent on the way up in the business or those who've already made it who are helping others. Glad I know you!

Screenplay-in-a-Month for $299...

Screenplay-in-a-Month (SIAM) is my program to help procrastinators get a screenplay done. This week's workshop screenwriter Anzu Lawson is a SIAM participant.

What's different about SIAM is it isn't a course so much as like having a personal trainer. The first week I help the writer define what story he or she wants to write. We scene card it together. Participants then have a 5-page per day quota and email their pages each day. I'm cheerleader when the pages are flowing and coach when there's an obstacle. For more details email me or follow the banner ad link at

ScreenPlayLab Mission

ScreenPlayLab is more than 2,600 upbeat filmmakers, actors and writers working on comedy and light drama. Dozens of artists have signed agent representation through ScreenPlayLab networking. There are no membership dues and events are free. To join send an email to with the subject 'Subscribe'.

Love you guys!


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