
ScreenPlayLab is more than 3,800 upbeat producers, actors, writers, directors, agents and executives helping each other in their careers at studios and networks.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Showrunners Interview in Writers Digest

Writers Digest has put another of my articles online. Read my interview with TV showrunners here:

COMEDY WALK on Aug. 14th...

Like speed-dating for comedians. COMEDY WALK is a Los Angeles Times "Best Bet" and becoming a downtown institution. New Los Angeles Theatre Complex, 504 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Thursday, Aug. 14th, 8:30pm to 10pm. Note program has changed. Go online to print latest. FREE tickets:

For anyone who wants to volunteer to help out, we have a team meeting at the LATC Underground Vault at 7:30pm, an hour before the show.

ScreenPlayLab Mission...

ScreenPlayLab is more than 2,800 upbeat producers, actors, writers, directors, agents and executives working on comedy and light drama for television and film. FREE membership. FREE events. To join send an email to with the subject 'Subscribe'.

Love you guys!


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Saturday, August 09, 2008

Read Robin's Article in WRITERS DIGEST

Read my article on treatments here:

If you're a Writers Digest paid subscriber, you can also read my showrunners article online. I interviewed Neal Baer of 'Law & Order SVU;, Marsh McCall of 'Carpoolers', Marco Pennette of 'Ugly Betty' and Marc Scott Zicree of 'Star Trek Voyages'.

LAST CALL: Pitch Clinic and meet agent Aug. 10th

It's getting full. This Sunday's FREE ScreenPlayLab event is a pitch clinic to practice pitching in front of an industry audience followed by a discussion with agent Ross Grossman (talent and literary). Don't miss it! You can sign-up as audience or to pitch, for FREE. At Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, 3pm-6pm. Get details and RSVP at

By the Way, How Are You Doing with Your Screenplay?...

Won't it feel great to type THE END when you complete your next screenplay? I facilitate a writers program called Screenplay-in-a-Month to propel writers to complete their screenplays. This is no dry theory course to teach you how to write, although we'll do a quick review.

This program will help you roll up your sleeves and build your enthusiasm to quickly finish writing your screenplay. Together we'll overcome any writers blocks you encounter. And, you'll get frequent reminders to meet you page quota so YOU'LL FINISH.

No classes to attend. All individual interaction. Open to writers at all levels. Whether you have no idea what to write or you've been trying to finish the same screenplay for years, you can write a screenplay in one month. You can start anytime. The best time is NOW! $299.

COMEDY WALK on Aug. 14th...

COMEDY WALK is a Los Angeles Times "Best Bet" and becoming a downtown institution. Each month two dozen working comedians give back to L.A. with a FREE show presenting their best material. Six simultaneous stages. At the New Los Angeles Theatre Complex, 504 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Thursday, Aug. 14th, 8:30pm to 10pm. FREE. Please tell all your friends. We have a great 500-seat theater this month.

ScreenPlayLab Mission...

ScreenPlayLab is more than 2,800 upbeat producers, actors, writers, directors, agents and executives working on comedy and light drama for television and film. FREE membership. FREE events. To join send an email to with the subject 'Subscribe'.

Love you guys!


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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Pitch Clinic and Agent Ross Grossman Aug. 10th

This Sunday we have my ever popular PITCH CLINIC followed by our main speaker: agent Ross Grossman. If you need to polish your pitching or if you need an agent (talent or literary), this is a must-go FREE event. A big thank you to Ross for jumping in to be our speaker after SAVE THE CAT author Blake Snyder had to reschedule. Details below....

Thank You from Robin...

I want to tell you how grateful I am to you and everyone who makes ScreenPlayLab such a fantastic group of people. From a dozen of us who got together at The Writers Store three years ago, we're now 2,800-strong and still growing. Thank you to all those who've helped me personally by turning me on to writing gigs and projects that needed a producer. I appreciate it!

I've been traveling. Last weekend I was in San Francisco shooting two dozen interviews with bestselling authors for Gosh TV. We stayed at the downtown San Francisco Hilton, which is fantastic. At 6am before the shoot, I was swimming in the pool outside on the 16th floor. My role in Gosh TV is DP-producer. My partner Gabrielle Pantera is host-director. She's hosting a series of interviews that include authors such as Jackie Collins.

Waiting for me when I returned to Hollywood were two crashed disk drives on my primary Windows computer. I lost my pending emails folder. If you wrote me and I haven't gotten back to you yet, you may have to try again, especially if you sent me a script to read (those vanished in my system crash). Please keep emailing me. Even though I get thousands of emails, I'll get back to you somehow.

Pitch Clinic and Agent Ross Grossman on Aug. 10th...

ScreenPlayLab presents a forum to practice your pitches so you're ready when you pitch to a studio or network. Volunteer to pitch or come as audience to give suggestions to improve pitches. From 3-4pm. Moderated by Robin Rowe.

ScreenPlayLab presents agent Ross Grossman of Affinity Artists Agency, a licensed, SAG-franchised agency located in Los Angeles. Affinity Artists is seeking artists for Film, Television, Commercials, Literary, Comedy, Music, Fashion, and Live Events. Affinity Artists has openings for freelance readers, literary representatives and comedy representatives. From 4:15-6pm. Hosted by Robin Rowe and Gabrielle Pantera.

Location: Raleigh Studios, 5300 Melrose Avenue (across from Paramount), Hollywood on Sunday, August 10th, 2008, 3pm to 6pm. Networking at 2:30pm.

FREE with RSVP. Sign up at

COMEDY WALK on Aug. 14th...

COMEDY WALK is a Los Angeles Times "Best Bet" and becoming a downtown institution. Each month two dozen working comedians give back to L.A. with a FREE show presenting their best material. Six simultaneous stages. At the New Los Angeles Theatre Complex, 504 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Thursday, Aug. 14th, 8:30pm to 10pm.

FREE with RSVP! Sign up at

Want to help with the show? I'm the executive producer. Every month I need volunteer production assistants and MiniDV documentary camera operators. It's a great group of people who pitch in to make it happen. Email me if you want to be part of it.

Seeking Producer's Assistant...

Reliable part-time assistant needed by writer-producer in Beverly Hills. Flexible part-time hours (4 to 8 hours a week). Unpaid, but a good opportunity to learn. Email a note why interested and send your resume to me to forward with the subject 'Producer's Assistant'. Submissions that don't follow directions will be ignored. All others should get a response.

ScreenPlayLab Mission...

ScreenPlayLab is more than 2,800 upbeat producers, actors, writers, directors, agents and executives working on comedy and light drama for television and film. FREE membership. FREE events. To join send an email to with the subject 'Subscribe'.

Love you guys!


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